Cosmetic Dentistry

Revamp your smile and regain your confidence through our cosmetic dentistry treatments

Do you look at yourself in the mirror each morning and wish you had a smile you could truly show off? Maybe your teeth have become discoloured or misshapen over time? Or perhaps you’ve had fillings or crowns in the past which are starting to turn your teeth grey? If these scenarios sound all too familiar, Lakeside Dental Practice is here to turn your nightmare gnashers into a dental dream come true.

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  • Whitening

    Your teeth can lose their whiteness over time thanks to the consumption of strongly coloured food and drink. If you are a smoker, this will also give your teeth an unpleasantly ‘dirty’ appearance due to the staining qualities of the nicotine and tar in tobacco. In these situations, whitening could be the answer you are looking for. The safe and simple process involves chemically bleaching your smile to make it whiter and more dazzling than ever before.

  • Cosmetic Bonding & Veneers

    For those with damaged or eroded teeth, cosmetic bonding could restore your teeth to their former glory. Bonding involves treating teeth with a composite resin and can be used for a range of purposes including filling chips, reducing gaps between teeth, and even making teeth longer. It can also be used as an alternative to teeth whitening to restore the lightness and lustre of dulled teeth. For teeth that need protection as well as rejuvenation, porcelain veneers offer defence from further damage whilst offering a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

  • White Fillings

    Should you require a filling for a cavity, in the majority of cases you will now receive an “invisible” filling, repairing your tooth without leaving any obvious evidence. If you have received metal fillings in the past and are unhappy with how they look, you can even have your fillings replaced to make your pearly whites both pearly and white once again!

  • Dental Crowns

    A dental crown is a cap used to protect and repair a chipped or damaged tooth. Crown technology has advanced a great deal in recent years, meaning that modern all-porcelain crowns are almost identical to natural teeth with none of the unwanted grey tinting associated with older crowns. Just like metal fillings, an old crown can often be “upgraded” to a new model.

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