Teeth Straightening

Clear Braces

Inconspicuous ceramic brackets. Just like traditional braces, but more discreet. We’ve swapped metal brackets for clear, ceramic ones. Whatever shade of white your teeth are, your braces will blend into the background for a subtle alternative to train tracks.

Clear aligner braces (Clear Correct)

Clear Correct clear aligners are custom-made to gently align your teeth. The aligner's are virtually invisible, and you can remove your aligners to eat, drink and clean your teeth. It’s very popular thanks to its convenience. Retainers at the end of orthodontic treatment are essential to maintain the results of your orthodontic treatment

  • What are fixed retainers?

    Fixed retainers consist of thin wires, which are discreetly bonded behind your front teeth to hold them in place. They’re very unobtrusive and designed for a long-term wear to ensure long-term results.
    Your fixed retainers should be left indefinitely and will require very little maintenance. Just make sure you clean around them carefully using special floss or an interdental brush. You should also see your dentist for regular dental health checks and hygienist appointments.

  • What are removable retainers?

    Removable retainers are custom-made to fit your teeth in their new positions. You need to wear your removable retainers every night, as instructed by your clinician.
    Keep your retainers safe in a protective box when you’re not wearing them. For extra peace of mind, we can arrange to have a spare set made for you.

  • What happens if my treatment relapses?

    With a little dedication, orthodontic relapse should be avoidable. Unfortunately, many of our patients weren’t given the right support the first time around. If this sounds familiar, we have a range of discreet braces that can help. Invisalign Express uses clear aligners to straighten mild orthodontic relapse in just months.

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